Inject New Life into Your Hiring and Job Search Process with This Change


We’ve been taught to curate our resumes from a young age. But now in the modern world, only about 5% of resumes even reach a human being thanks to applicant tracking systems and AI. In this episode, Nikki discusses how we can approach the job search and hiring process differently to avoid ghosting and burnout by reconnecting with our humanity and our shared goals. Moving beyond feeling obligated to fully demonstrate our past skills and experience on one sheet of paper, what if we prioritized seeking compatible working styles and potential growth in an interview? As technology continues to change the hiring landscape, both job seekers and hiring managers alike can adapt the hiring process to hone into the key indicators of modern, sustainable workplace success vs the traditional criteria that has created a burnt out culture of sameness detached from belonging.


  • [2:00] understanding how differently we need to be approaching the hiring process.

  • [8:45] the power of soft skills

  • [13:00] filtering resumes through technology

  • [14:00] personality assessments used in hiring

  • [17:48] exploratory vs exploitive hiring

  • [24:20] the great resignation



  • “We have such a bizarre way of looking at work in our lives and our own sense of self-worth is so tied to how we're approved by the outside world – by the work we're doing, by the money we're bringing in, by the titles we have, by the things on our resume.”

  • “When problems arise, when we're not hiring to understand how people operate, but hiring based on their resume, when difficult situations show up, we are looking around trying to place blame rather than looking around to try to find collaborators and people that can work with us to solve that problem.”

  • “We are people that need each other collectively to do big things, and we are constantly trying to do bigger and bigger things. And so it is important for us to have the aptitude and the ability to be able to interact with one another. I've said this so many times in coaching with people, we are not taught how to do the interpersonal. We're not even taught how to do the personal.”

  • “One of the things that we're experiencing now in the workplace is that while people can have their resume built up and they can have the perfect bullets and the perfect places they worked, or GPA, you can't really, on a resume, get a sense of their aptitude for how to handle really challenging situations, how to interact interpersonally in challenging times, how to innovate, how to be creative, how to be collaborative, how to handle conflict.”

  • “You're looking for somebody to be able to step into these roles and expand into them, to take these roles and make them go further, not necessarily somebody that's done it before to just replicate what they've done somewhere else.”

  • “Witnessing your ability to evolve even in small ways is one of the most buoying and compounding muscle building type activities for that risk muscle.”



I’ve never been one to be put in a category or fit under one label so here are a few descriptors I identify with: Connector. Empath. Inclusion Advocate. Creator of Safe Spaces in the Gray Area. Women’s Leadership Coach. Hype Woman. Story Fiend. Lover of Conversation. Former Corporate Marketer.