How HR Became the Wild West


HR folks have been through the ringer the last few years, and it’s important that we shine a light on it. They’ve been the go-to for all sorts of problems, especially ones that have been a result of COVID. Balancing remote work, the pandemic, societal shifts, mental health, technology, and prioritizing humanity in the workplace brings its own challenges but can be achieved through expanding education and allowing our employees to be fulfilled, valued, and productive without sacrificing their sense of humanity. Having strong “soft skills” and championing diverse perspectives are vital as we reevaluate our expectations of the role HR plays and how we work together in the modern workplace.


  • [5:25] looking to HR to have all the answers 

  • [7:52] your perspective can create innovation

  • [9:22] similarities between HR and flight attendants

  • [10:45] impact of the pandemic

  • [18:50] finding ease and sustainability

  • [20:45] leaning on AI and technology


  • “How important it is for us to be able to understand the behavioral changes and the patterns that we need to shift to allow for [that] uncertainty. Uncertainty to be okay that we will get there. The intuitive trust that we can get there; we've done very hard things together. And we don't always have to agree, but we also don't have to be so rigidly certain. We don't have to dig our heels in and stay with the thing we said before, just because we said it.”

  • “I just want you to know you're not alone in this. We are still very much in a period of shift and change and evolution. And so giving yourself permission to change, giving yourself permission to observe what's going on and to trust the experiences and the feelings you have are valid in a world that tends to gaslight us into believing that the sky is not blue, even though we see that it is.”

  • “Uncertainty, shift, and change are the inevitable part of being human, and our ability to give ourselves permission to experience it and trust that we'll be able to do the best we can is so incredibly important.”



I’ve never been one to be put in a category or fit under one label so here are a few descriptors I identify with: Connector. Empath. Inclusion Advocate. Creator of Safe Spaces in the Gray Area. Women’s Leadership Coach. Hype Woman. Story Fiend. Lover of Conversation. Former Corporate Marketer.