Dismantling Oppression


Photo by LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash

In Checkbox Other's first solo episode, host Nikki Innocent discusses the vital moment that America finds itself in today following the recent murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery.

Nikki reflects on the public outcry, the rally for whiteness to be acknowledged and the systems of oppression in our society to be called out, brought into the light and ultimately dismantled.

She encourages listeners to DO THE WORK and actively unpack their own internalize oppression while at the same time holding themselves accountable and working towards an ideological shift to use white privilege to stop the pervasive harm being inflicted on black lives.

Nikki invites listeners who are white to sign up to actively work on unpacking their whiteness and dismantle their oppressive conditioning.

This episode comes with a free guide for listeners to use as a companion resource. Also, for those who are looking to take their work to another level, we encourage you to sign up for our Dismantling Oppression newsletter here: www.nikkiinnocent.com/dismantleoppression.