Get to Know Yourself to BE Yourself


Everyone is talking about "being your authentic self" but what does that really mean? For me, it's accepting who I am and embracing what my experiences have taught me. Growing up we learned science, math, history, etc but we didn’t learn how to get to know ourselves. As we navigate re-entering society, there’s a pull between what you’ve learned about yourself and the world around you over the last year and a half and the efficiency of just “getting back to normal -- in that process we tend to lose ourselves and conditioning takes over. 

This episode is the beginning of a multi episode series coming out of a classic keynote of mine “Surviving & Thriving after Burnout” and is all about why it’s important to prioritize mesearch (research about me, or you in this case) to get to know how you learn, communicate and operate through diagnostics and guided reflection while at the same time exploring how you authentically shine out in the world. 


  • If you’re interested in joining our 6-week Lead Like You group coaching experience, enrollment is open — sign up now!

  • CBO Interview with Erin Claire Jones all about Human Design

  • Human Design Chart: a synthesis of ancient wisdom that sheds light on your emotional, psychological and energetic makeup, giving you the self-awareness and tools to align with your nature and step into your highest potential in every area of your life — in your career, partnership and relationships.

  • KOLBE A: an assessment that measures a person's instinctive method of problem solving — describing an individual's natural strengths and includes a customized audio interpretation offering suggestions on how to leverage these talents to achieve greater personal and professional success.

  • Grab your spot in the Unlock Your Passion course that is a guided process for getting to know yourself and your strengths better

  • Interested in the Quit Your Job mastermind experience Nikki teased last episode? Get on the waitlist here!



I’ve never been one to be put in a category or fit under one label so here are a few descriptors I identify with: Connector. Empath. Inclusion Advocate. Creator of Safe Spaces in the Gray Area. Women’s Leadership Coach. Hype Woman. Story Fiend. Lover of Conversation. Former Corporate Marketer.